Texbard Tomes

Welcome to Texbard Tomes, the home of Linda Crist's published writing and online fan fiction. Please click the links above to buy published books, read free online fan fiction, read excerpts from published books and works in progress, or read the latest news about Linda's life and writing.
Linda (Texbard) began writing fan fiction in 1999, set primarily in the world of Xena: Warrior Princess, although she has written for a number of other fandoms. Her published and online original lesbian fiction novels and short stories center around both modern and historical themes, weaving romance with action and adventure. She is the author of the reader favorite Kennedy and Carson series (which begins with The Bluest Eyes in Texas), and 2006 Goldie Award finalist, Galveston 1900: Swept Away. Linda is the recipient of numerous online writing awards, including the Royal Academy of Bards Lifetime Achievement Award and Hall of Fame awards, Xippy awards, Bard's Challenge awards, and Swollen Bud awards. She was also on the Xena Subtext Virtual Season staff, and on the staff of the Orlando BardCon, which ran for four years at Walt Disney World.
A 4th generation Texan, Linda started writing at an early age by composing picture stories on the church bulletin during worship services. She holds a Journalism degree from The University of Texas at Austin, where she interned with the Lady Longhorns Sports Information Office. After college, she worked for a while as a section editor with The Dallas Times Herald. Linda describes herself as a Xenite, Trekkie, Parrothead and general sci-fi/fantasy geek. She is passionate about the environment and animal welfare, and enjoys hiking, beach-combing, archery, playing the Native American flute, travel, live music, micro-brews, good conversation over good coffee, reading, and of course, writing.
Linda (Texbard) began writing fan fiction in 1999, set primarily in the world of Xena: Warrior Princess, although she has written for a number of other fandoms. Her published and online original lesbian fiction novels and short stories center around both modern and historical themes, weaving romance with action and adventure. She is the author of the reader favorite Kennedy and Carson series (which begins with The Bluest Eyes in Texas), and 2006 Goldie Award finalist, Galveston 1900: Swept Away. Linda is the recipient of numerous online writing awards, including the Royal Academy of Bards Lifetime Achievement Award and Hall of Fame awards, Xippy awards, Bard's Challenge awards, and Swollen Bud awards. She was also on the Xena Subtext Virtual Season staff, and on the staff of the Orlando BardCon, which ran for four years at Walt Disney World.
A 4th generation Texan, Linda started writing at an early age by composing picture stories on the church bulletin during worship services. She holds a Journalism degree from The University of Texas at Austin, where she interned with the Lady Longhorns Sports Information Office. After college, she worked for a while as a section editor with The Dallas Times Herald. Linda describes herself as a Xenite, Trekkie, Parrothead and general sci-fi/fantasy geek. She is passionate about the environment and animal welfare, and enjoys hiking, beach-combing, archery, playing the Native American flute, travel, live music, micro-brews, good conversation over good coffee, reading, and of course, writing.